
  • Iroda Tillyashaykhova


COVID-19, SARSCoV-2, diabetes mellitus, obesity.


COVID-19 is spreading globally. With 590 million confirmed cases and 6.44 million fatalities, by avoiding viral transmission, investigating aetiology, producing vaccines, and selecting therapy goals, the illness is being combated. Diabetes worsens COVID-19 and its prognosis. Diabetes rates and new cases increased following the COVID-19 diagnosis. Non-diabetic people may develop hyperglycemia and other problems from COVID-19. In addition, COVID-19 survivors are more likely to acquire first-time diabetes or its consequences. We outline COVID-19 epidemiology and its two-way association with diabetes in this review.


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How to Cite

Tillyashaykhova , I. (2023). DISTURBANCE OF CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM IN PATIENT AFTER A CORONAVIRUS INFECTION. MedicineProblems.Uz-Topical Issues of Medical Sciences, 1(1), 25–33. Retrieved from https://medicineproblems.uz/index.php/journal/article/view/11