cytokines, immunostimulator, mycology, shiitake, B-glucan, lion's mane, chaga, lectin, lentinan, hetero glucans, heteropeptides.Abstract
In modern society, many scientists are looking for a panacea for all diseases. Research into mushrooms and their potential medicinal applications continues, and evidence points to a wide range of bioactive compounds that may have a positive effect on the immune system. Mainly the role of organic compounds such as B-glucan, essential amino acids, lipopolysaccharides, lipoproteins, heteroglycans, hetero-peptides obtained from the fertile body of fungi (as well as from spores, mycelium.) such as Agricus blazei, Auricularia auricula- judae, Gymnopus dryophilus, Lentinual edodes, Sparassis crispa Ophiocordyceps sinesis, Ganodermasinesis, Ganoderma microsporum. Organic compounds isolated from fungi have properties to inhibit the proliferation of human carcinoma cell lines (HepG2, MCF7) and also enhance the production of cytokines and factors (IL 6, IL 8, IL 4), as well as some factors of TNF.
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