Cushing's Ulcer: Further thoughts on neurotherapeutic pathology


  • Asliddin Kalanov
  • Eldor Abduqodirov
  • Sitora Inoyatova
  • Ezoz Isroilov
  • Shakhzodjon Safarov



ulcer, peptic ulcers, headaches, bleeding from the stomach


This article analyzes the latest literature concerning the main aspects of neurotherapeutic pathology, such as Cushing's ulcer. Difficulties in differential diagnosis with other diseases that occur with headache syndrome are noted. The causes of occurrence and features of clinical manifestations are also discussed in detail, and issues of treatment and prevention of Cushing's ulcer are considered.


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How to Cite

Kalanov , A., Abduqodirov, E., Inoyatova , S., Isroilov , E., & Safarov , S. (2024). Cushing’s Ulcer: Further thoughts on neurotherapeutic pathology. MedicineProblems.Uz-Topical Issues of Medical Sciences, 2(4), 13–19.