caries, parathormone, demineralization, enamel, microorganism, hard tissues of the toothAbstract
A review of domestic and foreign literature on such a process as dental caries with increased function of the parathyroid gland is presented. Caries - can be considered the most common human disease. It is not for nothing that numerous studies are devoted to him, both by dentists and by physiologists, morphologists, biochemists, and immunologists. There are about 400 theories explaining the etiology and pathogenesis of caries. according to these theories, the modern concept of the etiology of caries has developed. The main etiological factors include the microflora of the oral cavity, the nature and diet, the content of fluorine in water, the quantity and quality of saliva, the general condition of the body and various extreme effects on the body. Of the hormonal factors, the leading ones are dysfunction of the parathyroid glands with a disorder in the regulation of calcium, potassium balance.
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