
  • Humoyun Kuchkarov
  • Nargiza Yadgarova



burnout syndrome, etiopathogenetic factors, prevention.


The article contains analytical data devoted to the study of the etiology and pathogenesis of the onset of emotional extinction syndrome. The occurrence of emotional extinction syndrome leads to people changing their chosen profession in the future, experiencing difficulties in communicating with others and, in more severe cases, even suicide. The identification of etiopathogenetic factors of emotional extinction syndrome plays an important role in the timely prevention of the disease and the development of preventive measures.


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How to Cite

Kuchkarov, H., & Yadgarova, N. (2024). AN OVERVIEW OF THE ETIOPATHOGENETIC FACTORS OF EMOTIONAL BURNOUT SYNDROME . MedicineProblems.Uz-Topical Issues of Medical Sciences, 1(2).